Must-Have Features In School Management Software
Managing student, teachers, and account data are very important for every school. Every school’s management committee is always engaged in several activities to efficiently manage all the school functions and better education for students.
However, managing a school is not an easy task as it requires lots of attention and effort. There are various facilities which are to be provided by every school to their students and their respective parents to keep up with the competition. To execute this there is a need for strong and error-free software, which is commonly known as school management software, to make the task easy for the management committee.
There is no point in having a great school management tool that the users cannot run. For this reason, always choose the application that comes with a user-friendly interface. The software should have an easily understandable design and the navigation should be hassle-free. There should not be any confusion so that even first-time users do not have to face any difficulties. Having a free demonstration of the application will help the staff and the school management to understand how the software works.
The school management software should have the following features to improve the overall administration of the school.

student management
The admission process is a very hectic process as it needs to be executed at a fast pace without any errors. With the help of the school management software, the need to maintain a file for each student is solved. All information can be extracted from the software whenever required by the school authority. This makes the admission and maintenance of the student details error-free and very easy.
There is a lot of information about every single student who is studying in school. Ranging from general details like Name, Age, Date of Birth, Contact Number, Address, and Parent Details are available with a touch of your finger. The school management software makes it easy for the staff and teachers to easily view the details. Just enter the student ID Number, roll number, or name and the software will provide you will all the details of the student.
The school management software provides an important feature which is report formation. In this module, a report is formed for each student studying in the school which provides the details of every student in the school without any error in a single click. Due to this feature, it is very convenient for the user to find the data in one app and make a paperless document.
account management
School fees and billing procedures are one of the tedious processes every school accounts department goes through. It usually requires a lot of manual work that can take hours. A school ERP software should give a clear overview of fee generation and Due payments in one place. A duplicate Bill of the fee should be provided to the parents so that they also keep recorded proof for future use. In addition to this, the software should also have the feature of online Billing and payment which also sends the receipts to the parents automatically. This makes the whole process of fee payment hassle-free at both ends.
This feature helps the user to easily check up on the back session dues of the previous years and add them to the current bill. It also checks upon the month-wise defaulter list of the students which helps the user to easily check the accounts of the students without any error or mistake.
The collection report gives the total collection of fees of a student on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. It is a must-have feature in any school management software system.
Good to Have features of school management software
Another important feature is attendance one should look in the school management software. This feature helps the institution to keep the attendance record of students and staff in a single module. It definitely eliminates the tiresome process of taking the roll call of the students and tracking each staff member’s presence. The school management software also has a feature of sending SMS, if the ward is absent or on leave.

Keeping track of the transport system associated with a school is of prime importance for ensuring student safety and security. The school management software provides the details of the students who have opted for transportation facilities. It also provides the details of the driver, vehicle and the rout of the vehicle. This makes it easy for the staff and parents to easily track their wards without any issue.
The library is one corner of the school, with tons of data easily accessible to teachers and students. An efficient ERP system should provide access to a library management module with features such as search, issue, return, and many more.
A good school software not only stores student record but also the school staff both teaching and non teaching. Basic details like designation, degree, salary and daily attendance are kept for future use.
This software also provides with the hostel management facility. This module mostly covers information like room allotted, no of beds, capacity of rooms, details of the student in the hostel, hostel fee, etc..
school software management also provides with the time table module, which helps the user to easily check the records of the periods of different classes in one single frame. The automatic alarm bell feature helps the school to change the period without any delay.
The school management software is here to simplify the workload of educational institutions. They not only make the school administration faster but also reduce the cost of manpower needed to do several different tasks. however, it is important to choose the right school management that is equipped with these above features.